Katelyn Mucci-Segura

What is your job role at Family Service Association?
I am a school-based therapist for Larkin High School, Abbott and Kimball Middle School in Elgin.
Why did you choose Family Service Association of Greater Elgin Area?
I chose Family Service Association because it was the perfect mix of the clinical work I wanted to do intertwined with the school systems. As a graduate from U-46, I am passionate about serving the students who attend this district. After interning as a school social worker though, I felt restricted by the position to make the impact I was hoping for. FSA has given me the opportunity to serve and give back to U-46 in way where I feel I can dive in and support clients in a much more holistic manner.
If you had to give a 2-minute elevator speech on what you do every day, what would you say?
I work with middle and high school students whom are struggling with a mental health issue that has resulted in them
participating in a crisis assessment. This means either they or someone close to them believed their safety or others'
safety were at risks because of their thoughts or decisions.
After hospitalization or the assessment I begin counseling services to bring hope to them feeling stuck in their situation,
to encourage them by letting them know they are not alone, and to empower they to move forward in a healthy direction, no matter
their past decisions.
What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is two-fold, I love working and brainstorming with my coworkers. I enjoy sharing big wins and thinking outside the box to overcome obstacles. Also, I love being involved in the school and having access to providing services to many clients who would be left out if the services didn't come to them.
Who has had the most influence on your work career?
My professor in graduate school, Dr. Brendel truly inspired me to be everything I can be. She demonstrated a passion and dedication to the social work field like I have never seen. Her encouragement and direction has helped shaped me to become the social worker I am today.
What is your favorite quote?
Life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would have loved to meet Mother Teresa, just to be in her presence for one day.
People would be surprised if they knew…
I studied abroad in Cuernavaca, Mexico and San Jose, Costa Rica.
If you could pick a superpower what would it be?
Teleportation; take away the time having to drive places!
What is the most interesting place that you’ve visited?
The most interesting place I’ve visited was Vienna, Austria. It was amazing, so much history all in one place!